Lost Property
Missing Their Owners
We cannot keep up with the influx of lost property - help!
Lost items are handed in at the Clothing Shop, where they are sorted and - if clearly labeled - sent to the class of the owner. BUT we have loads of yet to be sorted and in some cases unmarked (or illegibly marked) items. Please see if any of these items belong to your child.
These items are can be viewed at the following times:
Tues mornings 7.45-10.00am
Thursday 13.00-15.00pm
Fri mornings 7.45-10.00am
Any items not claimed will be sold in second hand shop
Next Event:
2 August 2023, 13.00 - 15.00
Sale of Unclaimed Lost Property
We try our best to re-unite lost and found items with their owners, but often lunch boxes, bags, shoes and clothing remain unclaimed.
Once a year we clear out the cupboard and give these abandoned items a second chance: They are sold 'voetstoots' and at rock-bottom prices to our Grove Community.
Calling Volunteers
Grovites lose a LOT of things. Even brand new things. Even things with their names on...!
Lost and Found items are collected at The Clothing Shop, and we rely on volunteers for sorting and processing.
Do you have a few hours a week to help?
Please contact Barbara at clothingshop@thegrove.co.za