Market Day 2024

🎪Market Day 🎯

brought to you by The Grove Grade 7s

Our Grade 7 learners will show off their entrepreneurial spirit at Market Day on 11 September 2024.

During the school day, our Grade 7s will set up stands to sell goods (think: treats) and services (think: games) to their fellow Grovites. 

While having fun, they will put into practice real-life skills they've learned this year: planning, teamwork, budgeting, costs, and profit. 

NOTE: All grades can wear civvies, on Market Day. This adds to the festive atmosphere and allows maximum participation in creative activities.

Moola Money: We want to limit the use of cash on the school grounds. We prefer to use Moola Money. What is that? These are vouchers pre-sold on Karri, and used instead of cash.

Where can I purchase Moola Money?