COGZ Doodle

Redesign Cogz

Cogz is our Thinking School mascot. This cute chameleon is seen all around The Grove, reminding us to exercise thoughtful behaviours. Read more about Cogz here!

Every week, a class is assigned a theme and learners in that class will have the chance to have their redesigned Cogz Doodle published on the Parent Portal. 

COGZ calendar

Guidelines for artwork

This week's winner

#0093 Famous Paintings by Megan Gordon  4B

Last week's winner

#0092 Halloween by Anna Blumberg 3B

Past winners

#0091 Movies by Ella Doucha 2B

#0090 Seasons by Ruby Mcleland 1B

#0088 South Africa-Our Heritage by Laetitia Meneka 6A

  #0089 Trading and Exchanging by Gianna Bouwers  5A

  #0087 Spring by Isabella Luck 4A

#0086 My Culture by Amelia Faure 3A

#0085 Sharing by Ava Millam 2A

#0084 Paralympics by Jedd White 1A

#0083 The Olympics by Isabel Faure 6D 

#0082 Music by Olivia Burwitz 5D

#0081 Emotion: Joy  by Jane Johnson 4D

#0080 Voluntary by Nina Hey

 #0079 Winter Warmth by Giuliana Mendes 2D

#0078 Be Nice by Ayesha Gierdien 1D

#0077 Exploring by Tomilola Adeola

#0076 Democracy by Jason Xu 6C 

#0075 Reading by Xinen Emma Du 5C

#0074 People I Love by Alice Reddick 4C

#0073 Being a Busy Bee by Ife Adeola 3C
#0072 Freedom by Samiyah Joolay 2C
#0071 My favourite book character by Emily Agnew 1C
#0070 What If... by Ella Seymour 7B
#0069 Friendship by Hazel George 6B
#0068 Changing Seasons by Jaimee 5B
#0067 The beauty of the natural world by Lynay Rajbal 4B
#0066 Sprint by Mackenzie Lewis 3B
#0065 My favourite memory by Layyah 2B
#0064 Dance by Dariya Peplouw 1B
#0063 Time by Olivia Opie 7A
#0062 Transformation by Nina Kinghorn 6A
#0061 Goodbye by Lucy de Villiers 7C
#0060 The untold story by Isabella Anthony 6B
#0059 Above and beyond by Tara Jacobs 5B
#0058 Truth by Ridah 4B
#0057 Be kind to the earth by Bella 3B
#0056 Comfort by Inaaya Khan 2B
#0055 Going Shopping by Christian 1B
#0054 High Performance by David Matombo 7A
#0053 High Performance by Ms Joshua
#0052 The Many Forms of Love by Nathan Olivier 6A
#0051 The Joy of Reading by Zaib Jacobs 5A
#0050 What if I had a... by Iman Qaba 4A
#0049 The secret life of pets by Avalon Leclezio 3A
#0048 Another Planet by Pono Sebaelo 2A
#0047 Flow by Ava 1A
#0046 If I could change one thing... by Cameron Broster 6D
#0045 Leap by Jason Xu 5D
#0044 Discovery by Ariella 4D
#0043 What lies beneath by Ruby Irvine 3D
#0042 The search for buried treasure by Mesha Mwanza 2D
#0041 The hidden beauty of the ordinary by Eli Stevens 1D
#0040 Flight by Dhruvi Maishuria 6C.
#0039 In a parallel universe by Isabella Shepherd 5C.
#0038 Under the sea by Max Kapilevich 4C.
#0037 The magic of everyday objects by Stella 1C.
#0036 Freedom by Jemma Zeeman 3C.
#0035 In Space by Haadiyah Stevens-2C.
#0034 Love by Cindy-Miley Bamani 7B.
#0033 My best friend by Nabeelah Sablay 6B.
#0032 Mission Impossible by Sarah Macnamara 5B.
#0031 Change by Olivia Burwitz 4B.
#0030 Technology by Akira Chetty 3B.
#0029 What if by Oluthando 2B.
#0028 Friendship by Connor 1B.
#0027 Changing Seasons by David Mutombo 7A.
#0026 Beauty of the natural world by Josh Daubenton 6A.
#0025 Sprint by Aeryn 5A.
#0024 My favourite memory by Iman 4A.
#0023 Dance by Cameron 3A.
#0022 Time by Acacia 2A.
#0021 Transformation by Avo 1A.
#0023 Dance by Cameron 3A.
#0022 Time by Acacia 2A.
#0021 Transformation by Avo 1A.
#0020 The Grove Values by Diya Dhanjee 3C.
#0019 Goodbye by Makenzie Smith 1C.
#0018 My favourite place by Seyfi 6C.
#0017 I have a dream by Taskeen E 6A.
#0016 It could happen by Kayla Galant 6B.
#0015 Underwater by Frances Duk 4a.
#0014 Beauty by Jaimee 3a.
#0013 Courage by Lynay Rajbal 2b.
#0012 Summer by Li'ya Abrahams 3e.
#0011 Music by William Daubenton 2b.
#0010 Sport by Anjali Dhanjee 5e.
#0009 Responsibility by Nicola De Villiers 1b.
#0008 Pride by Daniel Mercer 2b.
#0007 Integrity by Gia Gilmour 5e.
#0006 Respect by Rosa Zalk 5e.
#0005 Kindness by Jacob Shillington 2D.
#0004 Welcome Ms Joshua by Milton Posthumus 5B.
#0003 Women's Day by Juno Shillington 5E.