Inter House Sports Day 2025

Inter House Sports Day  31 Jan 2025

Dear Parents 


We are looking forward to our Sports Day this year. Parents are encouraged to come and support the learners in a jubilant and joyful spirit! We are hoping that you will be able to leave work early, wear your house colours and join us for some fun!

Foundation Phase: R-3

All Foundation students will come to school dressed in their house colours. Please pack extra lunch, water, and sun cream.  

We want everyone to feel supported and seen, and ask that all Grade 1 - 3 learners stay at least until the end of the Foundation Phase events. We encourage those with more stamina to stay on and support the InterSen Grovites.

The Grade R track events will take place at 09h00.  

The Grades 1, 2 and 3 events will take place from 14h00 - 16h00. 

We ask that the students remain at school and not go home at 13h00.  They will enjoy a break, after which they will be arranged into their houses in preparation for the House March.  Learners will be supervised by the class teachers.  

InterSen Phase: 4-7

All InterSen students will come to school dressed in their house colours. Please pack extra lunch, water, and sun cream.  

08h00  Field Events & Long Distance for Grade 4 - 7 will take place in and parents are welcome to support their children. A detailed order of events will be posted soon.  Learners to check their races on the house boards.  

15h30 Grades 4-7 learners are expected to be back in their classes for roll call.  Supervision will be provided from 13h00 for those staying at school.  

15h45  The House Team march past

16h00 The first track events

Children who attend Mosque will leave as usual and are expected to be back at school at no later than 15h30.


Thank you for all your supporting The Grove.  We look forward to spending time in your company.

Kind regards

The Grove Management Team