Class Links
Looking for the Class Links Locker?
If you are a Class Link and you want to access documents in the Class Links Locker - please use the link in the Class Link WhatsApp Group's description.
What Are Class Links?
Class Links are parent volunteers who provide support to their class teachers. The ways in which teachers may need support are different from grade to grade and from teacher to teacher.
The Class Links network is NOT a decision-making body, nor is it a parent-representative forum.
Usually, a class has two Class Links. They maintain contact with the other Links in their grade, with the Link Coordinators, the class teacher, and parents.
They are responsible for the following:
● Being admins on the Class WhatsApp Group
● Channeling information from the class teacher to the class parents, and vice versa
● Supporting the class community by making everyone feel connected and welcome. Lots of room for initiative!
● Routing parent queries to the appropriate person within the school
● Driving parental support and involvement for various class /school initiatives, e.g. Sports Days, Cake Sales and Class parties.
● and last but not least - acknowledging the teacher's birthday!
What about Data Privacy?
Class Links can only work effectively if they know who the children and the adults in their class community, are.
Since Class Links are not school staff, the school will not share parent and guardian contact details without specific consent. Parents and guardians are asked to complete a form to grant or withhold permission to have their names and mobile numbers shared with their Class Links. This permission is recorded when a family joins The Grove, and is confirmed once a year, via a Google Form.
What if I withhold permission? The school will not make your contact details available to the Class Link of your child's class. You will receive communications directly from your class teacher and the school office, but not from the Class Links. Since important information is distributed via the Links, we recommend that at least one adult per learner, is known to the Class Link.
I want to be a Class Link
Great! This is what you need to be a Class Link
* A helpful, friendly attitude.
* The ability to communicate clearly, calmly and constructively.
* Commitment to a positive, harmonious relationship between parent community and teachers/ school.
* Commitment to treating people with respect in all situations.
* Willingness to understand and use the processes and feedback channels put in place by the school.
We are working on ways to make being a Class Link, easier. This includes incorporating feedback received at the September 2023 Links Meetings.
Class Link Coordinators
Qanita Noordien-Bassadien
Liane Posthumus
By signing up as a Class Link, you consent to have your name, surname, contact number and email address shared within the Grove community.