The Grove's Thinking School mascot was born and in 2017. The following excerpt from a Grove Talk-letter introduced COGZ to The Grove community:

"I begin with our newly conceptualised thinking logo, the chameleon, before briefly tracing our thinking journey. Over the last two weeks, we have been running a competition to see which grade would come up with a fitting name for our chameleon. The name that was chosen was Cogz' contributed by Grade 4A. Cogz will act as an indicator and reminder of the cognitive connecting and mindful relating that we strive to exercise in our community.  There is a cog with 8 notches in the tail of our chameleon, as there are 8 Thinking Maps; 8 x 2 is 16 and there are 16 Habits of Mind.  A fitting acronym was also found: Clarity, Organising thinking, Generating Zeal. Cogz will be visible in correspondence, on books, in the children's work and assessment and will become, we hope, an active character in the school. We thank Susan Caras for the design of our thinking logo."