U13 Cricket

Join this team's WhatsApp Group, by clicking here:
u/13A   https://chat.whatsapp.com/I3cFImtOftw8abaUegfLAj
u/13B   https://chat.whatsapp.com/FK3eHXAjW7l9P1r9YWFv4N


u/13 Cricket is coached by Mr Khombora and Mr Sydow


Weekend Home Fixtures

Parents of players are in charge of catering:

Lady Anne Kitchen is stocked with

Refreshments table

Arrive early enough to set up a refreshments table for spectators. If you choose, you can bring fresh milk and snacks to serve with the tea and coffee.

Drinks Breaks

Before each drinks break, set up 2 tables with plastic glasses and jugs of pre-mixed Oros (supplied). Biscuits are optional (not supplied).

Innings Break

Cricketers can really do with a nutritious snack during the Innings Break. Sandwiches or wraps and fruit work well, but parents can decide what to provide.

Consider that there are no plates, serviettes or condiments in the Lady Anne Kitchen 


U13 Cricket
