Grove Talk Archive_2022
14 December 2022
Edition: 43
Author: Candice Joshua
Dear Grove families
The end of the school year has arrived so quickly. I am extremely honoured to have joined such a wonderful community. I want to thank all of you for the support, patience and kindness you have shown me since my arrival. Thank you to all staff who worked tirelessly to ensure that all educational goals are achieved in 2022.
The past year saw many successes and some challenges. Despite these challenges, we continued the work at what needed to be done in order to reach our desired goal, excellence in holistic education.
I would like to extend my gratitude to all stakeholders within our community, with a special thanks to our School Governing Body, Class links and volunteers for offering of your time and supporting the school so adequately. I hope that we will continue to work together in the coming year, 2023.
A special mention to all Grovites, thank you for all your hard work throughout the year. I am truly blessed and honoured to be your principal. I am grateful for the joy you display and all the pleasant friendly interactions.
Best wishes to our Grade 7's who are moving on to high school. May you take all the wonderful experiences of The Grove with you along your new journey, we wish you well. And remember you are always welcome to pop by to visit us!
We look forward to 2023 and have planned a wonderful holistic events calendar for 2023. An overview of this will be shared with parents in due course.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday period.
Mrs Candice Joshua
07 December 2022
Edition: 42
Author: Marc Rösemann
“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for one another”. Author unknown
Dear Grove families
As we reach the end of the year, we can gather our breath and reflect on the year that has passed. It has been a busy year with things far more normal than they have been for the last few years with the restrictions of COVID. We are thankful but need to acknowledge the efforts of the staff to create these opportunities of light and the nourishing learning environment we have here at The Grove.
Learners have been able to experience more fun things at school while still acquiring new skills and knowledge in the different spheres of school life. Each staff member has, in their way, contributed to allowing all this learning and fun to take place.
It has been a challenging and stressful time, especially for those in education. Due to the expectations on staff to provide for learners, they have gone above and beyond what is expected. These accommodations were often at their own expense or that of their families. This constant pushing of the envelope has often left staff feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and with little time for themselves.
As a parent at The Grove, I feel that it is vital that we express our gratitude and appreciation to all our staff. Their hard work and commitment are what make The Grove a special place.
To The Grove staff: You are all superheroes, and we see you.
Mr Marc Rӧsemann
Senior Management Team member and Grade 3 parent.
30 November 2022
Edition: 41
Author: Michael Bennett
Dear Grovites
Today I am thankful for all that is around me. Thank you Grovites for your effort during the year, thank you for the effort of the last few weeks especially as we were mindful of those who were doing assessments. Thank you for the “Good mornings”, the “How you doing today?”, the bright smiles and laughter. Thank you for the cookies, cakes and chocolate.
Long, long ago, 334 days to be precise, we entered 2022 with a different outlook. The world was different and Grove life was still ruled by very strict rules set by the outside world. We are thankful that a lot has changed and life at The Grove is returning to the fun, exciting place it was. Before we look forward to the new year, I would like to invite Grove families to take the time to be thankful, to be kind to themselves and those around them. Take time to sing, dance, listen to the music of life and sounds of nature. Indulge in the pleasures of family time, visiting the beach, long walks and lots of ice-cream. After all, Summer is upon us and soon it will be holidays.
Remember Grovites, a very smart Piglet once said; “The things that make me different are the things that make me, ME.”
Michael Bennett
23 November 2022
Edition: 40
Author: Claire Arton-Powell
Dear Parents
2022 is coming to an end and as we race towards the finish line, there are still several hurdles that need to be cleared. These hurdles have some of the children and parents in a panic. So, what can we do to manage the anxiety and stress that can have the power to derail us?
Some things that can really help your family is to keep boundaries and expectations consistent and firm. While allowing space for your child to acknowledge how they are feeling and release the anxiety in fun ways. Make time to go for family walks before dinner, sport and exercise, listening to music or audio books as well as constant check-ins.
Do not leave your child behind a closed door for hours assuming they are studying, get involved, help them and make sure you have a good read on your child’s stress levels. Allow them time to decompress, even if that means screen time. Some children struggle to unwind and when we remove all screen time, we may be removing their coping mechanism. While having said that, limit the screen time, make sure the light on the device is on a yellow setting to avoid the harmful impacts of blue light and use a device monitoring system to make sure they are not accessing inappropriate content.
Your child already feels pressure at this time of the year, the best support you, as the family, can give your child is to be actively supportive of them, in a calm and caring manner while holding firm on your boundaries.
Claire Arton-Powell
School Counsellor (Social worker)
Is your child finding it difficult to cope with anxiety? Are they needing some socio-emotional support because of circumstances at home or at school? Our school counsellor/social worker, Mrs Claire Arton-Powell, is able to assist you and your family. You may email:
16 November 2022
Edition: 39
Author: Deseré Lawrence
Dear Parents
This week's Grove Talk was inspired by a song by Miranda Lambert called Automatic. Some of the lyrics that always catch my attention are:
“Hey, what ever happened to waiting your turn? Doing it all by hand?
'Cause when everything is handed to you, it's only worth as much as the time put in.
It all just seems so good the way we had it. Back before everything became automatic….
If you had something to say, you'd write it on a piece of paper.
Then you put a stamp on it and they'd get it three days later”
These lyrics brought some thoughts to mind. This generation has gotten used to having things happen almost right away and have information at their fingertips. This has created an expectation and impatience. COVID-19 has certainly not helped with this as many say “the best thing that came out of COVID was online shopping and delivery service” and this is true. Things happening “automatically” have made the world impatient, lazy, entitled to know it all, anti-social and brave internet trolls.
What would happen if we lost all the privileges tomorrow? What would your world be like without the internet? Without access to social media? How would you communicate with friends and family when all you have is pen and paper? How would you manage, getting your information once a week in the newspaper?
With the world being rushed and “automatic” we need to take the responsibility to slow things down. Show your kindness in making something for a friend, something by hand. Be different and write someone a letter. Handwritten letters have a sort of charm that cannot be explained, it's almost as good as reading a physical book, one that you can feel and smell. Things that bind to your memory. With the Intermediate / Senior assessments coming up, take pride in your work and take your time. Put effort into your studies and preparation for the exams. The time and effort you put in will show in your results. Do your best as this is all that can and will ever be expected of you.
Here is the challenge to you Grovites: put down your phone, disconnect the WiFi, give your friends and family face to face compliments on their strengths and successes. Limit your time on social media and see the beauty of the world and people around you, physically, and not through a screen or lens. When having conversations, make them about what you have seen around you and done with others. Avoid saying things such as “there was this thing on TikTok” or “did you see this on Facebook?” during your conversations. Create your own experiences without needing the world to see it, it matters even then. Look up from your devices, stop letting things happen “automatically”, slow down and embrace all the world and its beauty has to offer.
Wishing the Grade 4 to 7 Grovites all the best for their assessments.
Kind regards
Miss Deseré Lawrence
WCED Department Head/ Grade 1 Educator.
09 November 2022
Edition: 38
Author: Colleen Firmani
Dear Parents
Our assessments for the Intermediate phase start soon and I know that you are all really anxious for your child to do well. However, please remember that among the learners who will be writing these assessments:
There is an artist who might not find Maths their strongest subject
There is an entrepreneur who doesn't care that much about History or English Literature
There is a musician whose Natural Science marks might not be the strongest
There is an athlete whose physical fitness is more important than some content subjects
So …. If your child does get top marks - that’s great!!!
But, if he or she doesn’t , please don't take their self-confidence and dignity away from them.
Tell them it’s Okay! It’s just an assessment. One chapter of their book and they still have so many blank pages to fill. They are cut out for much bigger things in life.
Tell them that no matter what the mark is on the assessment that you love them and will not judge them.
One assessment, one low mark doesn’t take away their dreams and their talent.
Just a thought - Doctors, Lawyers and Engineers are not the only happy people in the world. Each child has a unique set of gifts and talents that we need to help them grow and develop so that they can fly!
Try this … and when you do … watch your children conquer the world.
Colleen Firmani
Head of Learning Support
'Snippets are extracted from an article written by a Principal in Singapore'
02 November 2022
Edition: 37
Author: Naseema Parker
Dear Grovites
We find ourselves nearing the end of year with November being our last month for fee payments. For those who have opted to pay via debit order on a monthly schedule, 30 November will be your last deduction (unless you need to catch up in December).
For families who requested and received exemptions support, please settle any outstanding commitments as arranged over the 10 months.
Since The Grove is an eco school, we would ask that you email Kim McBain at should you wish to have an updated fee statement printed for the year.
Please also settle all music and instrument hire fees by the end of November. Please mail Muneerah Abbass at, for further information.
To our grade 7 families, a big thank you and farewell as we transact your last debit order this month in Primary school! For those with outstanding balances, please settle before your child leaves. All accounts with balances outstanding at the end of the year will be handed over for collection to our Attorneys and debt collectors unless a payment arrangement has been made.
The school fees structure for 2023 was shared after the budget meeting last month. A reminder that debit order instructions must be renewed annually.
Thank you
Mrs N Parker
Finance Manager
26 October 2022
Edition: 36
Author: Lizzie Rennie
Should any children be leaving The Grove please send an email to
NB: A term's notice is required.
Dear Parents
I am very excited to invite you to The Grove Gala Ensemble concert which takes place next week Thursday 3 November in The Grove Hall at 18h00 - 19h30. This is going to be a fabulous showcase of our choirs, ensembles, orchestra, marimba bands, ukulele group and more! Everyone is welcome.
Ensemble = Working Together
I’d like to do something small to make this world a better place. Allow me to let you in on my plan. In my life, I have witnessed the positive impact that good instrumental tuition and ensemble participation has on children. Over-and-above the well-known correlations between music education, mathematics and literacy, the fundamentals of discipline, responsibility, care, communication, punctuality, listening, teamwork, communication, focus, grit and the need for social harmony are magnified in a young musician’s learning experience.
Jose Antonio Abreu, the founder of El Sistema said, “Music has to be recognised as an agent of social development in the highest sense, because it transmits the highest values of solidarity, harmony, mutual compassion. And it has the ability to unite an entire community and to express sublime feelings.”
I am passionate about developing ensembles, a magnificent learning space. One of the first concepts I bring to my ensemble learners is “ensemble”, working together. Learners discover the magic of being part of a greater whole, functioning together to create music in the moment. This requires them to respect one another, listen, persevere and be patient. It takes time to develop a good ensemble/orchestra. An orchestra is a fascinating team, complete with sub-teams of orchestral instrument groups, leadership structure and a united understanding of how everyone’s part is important in creating the whole, the music. Additionally, there is the sound one hears whilst playing within the group. There is nothing quite like the experience of being immersed in the sound of a sea of instruments, much more pleasurable if everyone is playing accurately and in tune, of course!
My sense of purpose at The Grove is to enrich as many lives as possible through music. What does The Grove Music department offer your child? We offer a space for children to explore their own expression as they learn skills to play an instrument and sing. We offer the opportunity to experience the joy and wonder of participating, creating music in a choir, marimba band, ukulele group, ensemble and orchestra. In this, we offer the experience, the feeling of belonging to and being part of a greater whole, connecting, whilst simultaneously developing as individual artists. Choirs are formed at the beginning of each year, by audition. Ensembles and orchestra require a minimum level of music literacy. As soon as an instrumental learner is equipped to read approximately Grade 1 level music, teachers will encourage them to join an ensemble/orchestra.
We also teach class music to all Grade 1 - 7 learners. The Creative Arts space is where classes share music, learning and participation alongside gaining theoretical knowledge.
How does one apply for specialist individual instrumental/vocal tuition? Applications for 2023 open on 2 December, via a link to a new digital application process. Those already enrolled will be directed to a renewal agreement. Stay posted for notifications on Grove Talk and Parent Portal.
Wishing you harmony
Ms Lizzie Rennie
HOD Music
19 October 2022
Edition: 35
Author: Helen Unwin
Should any children be leaving The Grove please send an email to
NB: A term's notice is required.
IT and Gardening
Dear Grove families
These two topics sound like opposite ends of the scale but both are events that have taken place this week.
On Saturday morning we welcomed the cool weather and slight drizzle onto our grounds and gardens. The vegetable patch and sensory garden are favourite areas for children at break times. Some like to sit on the benches surrounded by the greenery and read, whilst others rip through the pathways and between the plants chasing one another. I love to point the children in this direction and encourage them to slow down and take in the aromas released by their activity. There is wonder on their faces when they notice the fruit and vegetables growing there. Comments such as, “But my Mom buys these at Woolworths” can be heard. They then revisit the area over the next few weeks noticing the development of the vegetables and the growth taking place. It is a wonderful area to find insects too.
Thank you to the parents, children and staff who offered assistance, manpower, knowledge and expertise to help us refresh and replant the area. We look forward to a great harvest. Much effort is put into making sure that all our areas are attractive. We are lucky to have such spectacular gardens surrounding our school and we encourage the children to take notice and treat them with respect. They are there because of someone’s effort and hard work.
On another note, an IT evening was held to showcase the use of devices in the classroom. Again, we are privileged to have the use of so many devices for teaching and learning.
So, when your child comes home from school and says that they played games on the iPads or Chromebooks today, they did! What they don’t tell you is that it was a teacher designed or educational game for a specific reason. They didn’t realise that there was learning and revision taking place because it was fun. Hats off to all our teachers who are always looking for interesting, new and fun ways to hook the children in and get the learning and thinking to take place. Using technology usually doesn’t require too much persuasion, they are already hooked. We just need to find different ways to make it meaningful. Children are always more adaptable to embrace technology and go with it.
Monday night was a great way to connect with the teachers, other parents and your children, to find out what they are doing at school because we know that school is always “fine”. It was also a fabulous opportunity for our teachers to show off their skills. Thank you to all the parents who were there. We hope that you found this session interesting and helpful.
Helen Unwin
Executive Head
12 October 2022
Edition: 34
Author: Mrs Candice Joshua
Should any children be leaving The Grove please send an email to
NB: A term's notice is required.
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Welcome to Term 4!
Dear Grove families
I am truly humbled and excited to be joining the wonderful Grove Community where part of the vision focuses on commitment to excellence in education and seeks to mentor children who are leaders.
I am an advocate for unbiased leadership opportunities and hope to use my acquired skills to continue to assist all learners academically, socially and emotionally in order for them to reach their full potential.
I have been in the education sector for the past 18 years, where I have served as Educator, Grade Head, Departmental Head, Sports Coach, ICT Champion and Principal. I look forward to using my knowledge to support the staff in their personal growth journeys. I am a wife and mother of two children, who are currently in Grade 3 and Grade 6 and therefore understand the pressures of life and navigating the school context. I consider myself a sports fanatic and will be spending lots of time supporting the learners in this domain.
I consider myself fortunate to pursue a leadership role at The Grove that affords children many opportunities to grow and reach their full holistic potential. I believe that education is the pillar of all other services and ultimately creates the growth mindset that we should all seek in order to become global citizens for change.
I am here to be of service to the Learners, Staff and greater Grove community as we continue to move the school’s standard of Educational Excellence.
I am excited to get to know each and every learner and their families.
Mrs Candice Joshua
28 September 2022
Edition: 33
Author: SGB
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Implementation of isiXhosa as a First Additional Language: Next phase
Dear Grove families,
On Heritage Day we commemorated the rich tapestry of cultures we are all part of. Our celebrations honoured not only our individual heritages but also the vibrant picture of our collective South African-ness. It was also a reminder of the many languages that weave through our quilt of community - mother tongues that form the cornerstones of identity and bring with them a sense of belonging and validation.
This is the community that The Grove serves.
In 2020, The Grove updated the language policy expressing the school’s vision for multilingualism across all aspects of our school including language in teaching, learning and assessment, and language in the school community. The policy can be viewed here.
The policy outlines many aims, one of which is the promotion of isiXhosa from a Conversational Language (CL) to a First Additional Language (FAL). While progress towards implementation has been underway since 2020, we are excited to announce that the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has approved The Grove's application to offer isiXhosa as a FAL starting with our Grade 1 learners in 2023.
At The Grove, our Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) is English. Afrikaans has been a First Additional Language (FAL) with isiXhosa taught as a Conversational Language (CL). Our language policy seeks alignment with the constitution, which grants equal status to all South Africa’s official languages. English is to remain the LOLT, with both Afrikaans and isiXhosa to be taught at FAL-level and as progressional subjects. This change requires a phased introduction, which started in 2022 and will be formalised from 2023.
The curriculum for the 2022 Grade 1 cohort was adjusted with both Afrikaans and IsiXhosa taught as FAL. As these learners progress through Foundation Phase, the dual FAL curriculum will be rolled out. Earlier this year, The Grove applied for, and were granted, permission to offer isiXhosa FAL in the Foundation Phase. As a result, from 2023 the Foundation Phase report cards will also reflect both Afrikaans and IsiXhosa as FAL, progressional subjects.
The next step is for the school to apply for similar WCED permission for isiXhosa FAL in the InterSen Phase (Grades 4-7). Our plan is that by 2025 our Grade 4 Grovites, who would have had three years of Afrikaans and isiXhosa FAL, will have a choice to continue with either Afrikaans or isiXhosa. The other language will continue to be taught at a conversational level.
This approval by the WCED is a big step towards the incremental implementation of multilingualism at The Grove, a step on our journey to enable an inclusive language environment in our primary school context, and we celebrate this milestone. It brings us closer to our goal of being a fully inclusive, transformed school that reflects and celebrates the community it serves. A school where every learner understands and is understood, and a place that feels like home.
We wish you a safe and restful break before we head into the final term.
The Grove SGB
Key takeaways:
● In 2022, an isiXhosa FAL curriculum was launched to Grove Grade 1 learners. In 2023, isiXhosa FAL curriculum will be rolled out to this cohort of learners in Grade 2, and then again as Grade 3 learners in 2024.
● In 2023, Grade 1 report cards will reflect both Afrikaans and isiXhosa as FAL progressional subjects. This means that all learners will need to achieve a certain level of proficiency in either language, to progress to the next grade. The 2023 Grade 1 cohort will be the first to have FAL as a progressional subject on their reports.
● By 2024, Grades 1, 2 and 3 learners (Foundation Phase) will be doing both Afrikaans and isiXhosa as FAL.
● From 2025, pending WCED permission, Grade 4 learners will select either Afrikaans or isiXhosa as FAL for the remainder of their primary school education. They will also continue with the other language at the conversational level.
● The language vision of The Grove is one where the school is a centre for promoting multilingual education. As such, implementation to strengthen all three languages (Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa) in teaching, learning and assessment, as well as language in the community, is ongoing.
21 September 2022
Edition: 32
Author: Abe Louis
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Dear Grovites,
The year has flown by and we find ourselves nearing the end of the third term. It has been a long 11 week term that ends on 30 September. We have exited winter and are in full swing into Spring with the equinox taking place on 23 September. On this day we will have an equal amount of day and night.
This week we celebrate our “South Africanness” as I put it. Our rainbow nation has been built on an amazing constitution that enshrines the rights of all who live in this wonderful country. As a country we celebrate Heritage Day this Saturday 24 September.
Some refer to this day as “Braai Day“ or “Family Day”, but we all know it as a day where we all acknowledge our families, our culture, our ancestry, our own unique heritage. Some do it with a “braai” or dressing up in ancestral attire whilst others remember the past by following very specific rituals on the day. Some may visit places of significance, whilst some will attend commemorative services and some will be immersed in their own culture for the day.
Often, we have to look back to see just how far we have come. We have a specific day where everyone can freely acknowledge and celebrate their own heritage in this country. Previously, for many, this has been a struggle, but our democracy has ensured that it will continue to happen for years to come and we salute all who have fought and died for this to happen.
While it is a time of reflection and reconnecting, it's also a time for some to find out more about where they belong or to identify more with their roots. I am always amazed by the fact that our national coat of arms gives clear indications of what heritage means in its motto - Written in the Khoisan language of the /Xam people !ke e: /xarra //ke, means ‘Diverse People Unite’. On an individual scale, it indicates a unity between one's thoughts and actions. On a collective scale, it indicates that as a nation we should be united together with a sense of belonging and national pride, no matter our origins or diversity.
Our school will be doing just that on Monday 26 September. The day will focus on celebrating Heritage day as a broader school community. The isiXhosa department will take the lead on the day to provide enriching experiences for all our learners to get to know more about other cultures including indigenous games. The program will run the entire day and we are encouraging everyone to dress up in something that clearly defines their own unique heritage. Please bring along a set of sport clothes if your attire might pose a challenge to playing some games. We will also be dazzled by our Music department on the day.
“Sometimes it is impossible to know where you are headed without reflecting on where you came from. Understanding your heritage, your roots and your ancestry is an important part of carving out your future” - Getano Lui.
Abe Louis
Acting Principal
14 September 2022
Edition: 31
Author: Deseré Lawrence
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Don't be shy to be YOU….
Dear Grovites,
Influencers have taken the world by storm and many people are greatly in awe of them. This could have a positive and/or negative effect on people. Looking up to someone is good but when it causes one to forget their own identity then you would need to relook and reflect.
When we are young and still learning, our parents try to navigate us toward good friends and guide the morals and values that we learn. Soon we develop a sense of self, moving away from your parents guidance, for example the way you dress, think, behave, view the world etc. This is a crucial time in our life where we learn who you are and want to be.
This is where you have the freedom to experiment and find our happy and comfortable space in the world. Along with finding this space in the world, we need to remember the morals and values instilled in us as a young child under our parents guidance. During this time of growth, we look at others and tend to find ourselves mirroring what people of stature and influence do and say. Identifying what we are comfortable with and able to maintain is the key.
For as long as the world has people in influential positions, others have been in awe and following to better themselves. Before the internet there would be articles and stories in the newspapers or magazines telling us how to behave, dress, speak, or view the world. This would be great for some people but for others, it could make life rather difficult as they would be one person in public hiding their true self from seemingly judging eyes and words and a completely different person in private where we can be ourselves without fear of ridicule and scorn.
Lately, the world has become more accepting of identity, self worth, mental health and self acceptance. People around the world are encouraging each other to take pride in who they are and not be afraid of it.
The Grove is one of few forwarded thinking schools where all are accepted for who they are and not expected to fit in a stereotyped box. We encourage the implementation of core values. More so, inspire thinking, questioning and not merely accepting things as they are. The Grove encourages everyone to find and accept their own identity as well as accepting the identity of others. Regardless of who you choose to be, keep in mind that you need to be true to yourself and the expectations you set for yourself but also not to force others into having your beliefs and understandings. We urge others to make a conscious decision to be respectful of others beliefs and understandings and accept to agree to disagree when the situation calls for it. Use what others know as an opportunity to learn. Share what you know and have experienced as others might learn from you.
Above all else, be kind, be respectful, take responsibility, show integrity and take pride in yourself and all you say and do.
“ In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND”- Unknown.
Miss Deseré Lawrence
WCED Department Head Foundation Phase
07 September 2022
Edition: 30
Author: Suhail Suleman
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Grove 2023 Budget
Today, as Treasurer of The Grove School Governing Body (SGB), I’m sharing with you the finalised and adopted 2023 budget for The Grove. During the development of this budget, inputs were sought from all stakeholders of the school. My thanks go to Ms. Parker and others for their assistance during its compilation. The budget was accepted by the school’s finance committee on 29 August 2022, and by the full SGB on 2 September 2022. In the 2023 Budget Summary, I provide some context and background to the budget and break down some of the figures. The detailed budget is available for inspection on the school premises from this date forward, by prior appointment. Please contact should you wish to avail yourself of this opportunity. If you have any questions after reading the 2023 Budget Summary, or the detailed budget, you are welcome to raise them by emailing me at
The AGM and Budget Meeting
The AGM and Budget meeting is scheduled for 19 October 2022, 18h00 - 20h00. The AGM is open to all parents and legal guardians of children at The Grove.
I look forward to this event and encourage all Grove parents and guardians to attend. During this meeting, more details around the budget will be presented and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. It is also during this meeting that parents vote on the resolutions supporting the budget (see 2023 Budget Summary page 4, “What are the next steps?”). The SGB will share recent developments and exciting plans, including those for the expansion of our Grade R from 50 to 100 learners in the near future.
This year an informal Meet-and-Greet at 17h30, will precede the AGM. This is an opportunity to meet the incoming principal, Candice Joshua.
General notes
At a high level, the 2023 budget includes a 3.9% increase in fees (Grades 1-7 fees - R39,470 and Grade R 49,190) (see “II. School Fees” in the 2023 Budget Summary), includes funding for additional academic resources compared to previous years and supports the additional computer resources for Grades 4-7.
I would like to draw your attention to two key points. (More detail is supplied in the 2023 Budget Summary).
On salaries
Salaries comprise the majority of the budget at 73% of the total (see “V. Salaries” below). Once all outstanding posts are filled the Grove will have 86 staff members, of which 64 will be paid entirely through school fees (the other 22 are state employees and paid by the Western Cape Education Department / WCED). We also seek to adhere to national wage agreements so that as far as possible, there is equity in salaries and employment packages between staff employed by the state and the SGB. With regards to the budget the biggest challenge has been to budget for staff salaries since the national wage agreements have yet to be agreed between labour representatives and the state. In the budget, we have therefore used the most likely indicated salary settlement of a 6% increase. Should the wage agreement exceed this materially we may need to make appropriate adjustments next year.
On running a balanced budget
The school will, as required by law, run a balanced budget (i.e. no surplus or deficit will be forecast). In practice, there are years when revenue is not sufficient to cover expenses and the school draws on reserves, and there are years where the school’s revenue exceeds expenses and the surplus can be moved to reserves.
I welcome questions and comments in advance of the meeting on 19 October – you can reach me on my treasurer email.
Thank you,
Suhail Suleman
SGB Treasurer
31 August 2022
Edition: 29
Author: Michael Bennett
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be - Anonymous
Did you know, in 1780 an international group of meteorologists decided to break the year up into 4 quarters, each one starting on the 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December. It is not the official start of each season but the meteorologists wanted to make it easier for us to remember the start of each season. So tomorrow we celebrate Spring day!! Let’s celebrate as the Rainbow Nation, with lots and lots of colour!
The Spring Equinox actually occurs on the 23rd September this year. The Equinox happens twice a year, the other is in March, when the day and night are roughly the same length of time and signals the start of Autumn. The word Equinox means equal night in latin.
Spring brings new growth and change. We look forward to the new buds, flowers and leaves on plants, the sound of newborn animals in our gardens and forests, the return of the migrating birds and the bright colours all round. The sun appears earlier and sets later each day giving us longer days for play and sport.
Spring also signals that our school year is racing towards the end of another year with one more term to go. Our grade R and 1 learners have grown more independent and confident, our grade 7’s have mostly outgrown their school uniform and sadly almost our school. There are lots of changes to look forward to as the new season starts. Remember, one of the changes is that our school starting times will change back to the pre-covid times.
So Grovites, let's look forward to the many changes and the challenges it will bring.
Kind regards,
Michael Bennett
24 August 2022
Edition: 28
Author: Marc Rösemann
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Keeping our learners safe
Dear Parents
This week we are talking about the Safety and Security of your children.
At The Grove, Safety and Security is a priority and as such we try to keep our learners and parents informed about the trends in crime happening at schools in our community as well as other neighbouring communities. We do not wish to create panic but it is vital that we share certain information with you as we believe prevention is always better than waiting for something to happen and then reacting.
With this in mind we would like to bring to your attention the incident that happened last week where a six-year-old boy was abducted in Kensington, Cape Town, on Wednesday while going to school. He has luckily since been returned to his family. This is not the first incident reported to the South African Police Services in Cape Town over the last few years of learners being targeted by criminals as they walk to school or when they wait for transport.
According to crime statistics for the fourth quarter of the 2021/22 financial year it showed that kidnappings had increased by 8.3% or 16 cases, compared to the previous year. Even though this incident happened in an area outside our community I still think it is important that we are more vigilant and cautious.
Below are some important safety reminders:
Learners should wait inside the school premises until the adult who is authorised to collect them has arrived.
Please make sure your child knows who will be fetching them.
If your child leaves early from school they will require an exit slip which is issued by the office.
When collecting your child do not leave a child unattended in your car or forget to lock your vehicle.
Also make sure that you do not leave any valuables visible.
Lastly, make sure your child is collected timeously and not made to wait for long. Please ask transport drivers to be punctual as well.
On this last point we would like to remind you of the following:
All children must be collected from their designated gate within 15 minutes of the end of the academic school day for the grade. Those children involved in an extramural activity must exit out the designated exit gate and will also need to be collected within 15 minutes. After this time they will go to the “Waiting Area”(Gate 1) until they are collected. Please note that this is not an aftercare facility and there is no direct supervision of children in this area.
It is your responsibility as the parent or caregiver to ensure that your child/children are fetched from school timeously. Where this is not feasible or possible, it is your responsibility to enrol your child in an aftercare facility. It is undeniably in the best interest of your child/children to spend the afternoon in a safe, secure environment, doing homework and preparing for tests, where there is access to food and also time to relax and play.
Most importantly please be extremely vigilant at drop off and pick up times and report any suspicious people or activity to the security or school staff on duty.
Let us work together to keep our children safe. Please have a look at these two helpful hints posters for parents and children from the Missing Children South Africa website:
Click here for safety tips for children
Click here for safety tips for parents
Mr Rӧsemann
Head of Safety and Security
17 August 2022
Edition: 27
Author: Barbara Calothi
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Dear Grove families
Topic: New Start and End times, and Gates from 1 September
What a wonderful time to be part of The Grove Primary! Our campus is buzzing with the energy created by sport, music and cultural events. This month we have, among other things, weekly Music Eisteddfods on campus, an Interschool’s General Knowledge Quiz to attend, as well as daily sport matches both away and at home. Grovites are spoilt for choice and we are always grateful for all the support that you, our Grove families, provide to help make these a reality.
As Mr Louis mentioned in the previous Grove Talk, due to Covid-19, we had to make many adjustments to our school day for screening, sanitising and social distancing. With the relaxation of many of these protocols the school has made the decision to return to our pre-Covid start times from 1 September.
So, what does this mean for families? Firstly, we will be opening the Main gate on Grove Avenue at 07H00 and any early birds will be allowed to enter and move to a centrally supervised location (under cover) until 07H10 when the remaining two morning gates will open. Children will be allowed to play in supervised designated areas until the school bell rings at 07H40. At 07H40 they will go directly to their classrooms for the start of the academic day.
Any children in Grade 1 - 7 who arrive after the 07H40 bell will be considered late. The Main gate on Grove Avenue will be open for them to enter the premises. We do understand that this will take a bit of getting used to but we ask that families support us to make the shift back to our pre-Covid start times.
With the shift to an earlier start we have also made the decision to return to our previous entry and exit gates. This means that Grade 1-3 must enter in Grove Avenue, Grade 4 and 5 (and any younger siblings) must enter in Bishoplea Road and Grade 6 and 7 (and any younger siblings) must enter in Morris Road. To assist with reducing the possible congestion in Grove Avenue created by Grade R parents parking to walk their children inside, we have opted to keep the Morris Road entrance for Grade R’s. They will be expected to arrive from 07H30 till 08H00. Please click here to see entry/exit times and gates from 1 September.
We hope that this earlier start will assist families who need to get back into the traffic to get to work on time. By starting earlier this will also allow children in Grade 4-7 to end a few minutes earlier, Monday to Thursday, making it easier to get to sports matches on time. The end of the Academic day will now be 14H20, however the children will still need to pack up and tidy their classrooms, before walking to their respective gates. We anticipate that this will take 5 minutes. Please note that they will need to be collected from the same gates as they were dropped off at, except for Grade R (Grade R gate in Grove avenue) and Grade 3 (Feldhausen gate). Friday's end time will remain the same. The end times for Grade 1-3 will also not be affected but with the additional time from the earlier start we are now able to extend their second break. This is something that we feel will benefit them immensely.
As someone once said, “Change is hard at the first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” I, for one, am looking forward to the gorgeous end but I ask for your patience outside our school while we are all negotiating the messy middle.
Kind Regards
Barbara Calothi
10 August 2022
Edition: 26
Author: Abe Louis
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Dear Grove families,
On 9 August we celebrated Women's Day. One can so easily fall into a “been there, done that” mentality where we tick the box of acknowledging the roles that women play in our lives and society. We have to continually realise that this should be an ongoing way of doing things and not just a once off. August is Women's Month and our focus is on all the issues affecting women and children but it should extend to become part of our daily lives, not just for this month.
We should constantly be looking at ways of doing things better so that we can improve the plight of many women and children in our country and the world. Breaking cycles of abuse, neglect and the other ills that women and children face daily needs to be part of our thinking and action.
Just like everyone should be looking to improve the way we engage and deal with the many concerns facing women, we as a school are also constantly looking to make changes to improve the way we do things.
Due to Covid-19, we had to make many adjustments to our school day for screening, sanitising and social distancing. The relaxation of many of these protocols has meant that the school has and looks to adjust to these protocols as well. We often receive direction from the WCED. The SGB is a very important part of change at the school along with the Senior Management Team that deals with the daily operations.
We are looking to change the starting time of the school in the morning. This is to keep track with parents who work remotely, now having to get back to face to face engagements at their places of work. In the coming weeks we will be giving you some of the changes that will be occurring as well as the safety measures that accompany these shifts in times. I hope that you are all engaging with the school’s new parent portal and the other areas of school life. The Grove remains a very vibrant and exciting place to be.
Abe Louis
Acting Principal
5 August 2022
Edition: Special
Author: Anna Grimsrud
Announcement: New Principal Appointment
To the Grove community,
On behalf of the School Governing Body (SGB), I am excited to announce that the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has appointed a new principal to lead The Grove Primary. Ms. Candice Joshua will take up this position on 1 October 2022.
Introducing Ms Candice Joshua
Candice Joshua is currently the Principal at Lourier Primary School - a position she has held for the past four years. During her tenure she has, through keen leadership, active networking within the community, and partnerships with NGOs and corporates brought about significant change at Lourier. She joins The Grove with proven experience in leading a public school through challenging circumstances. Ms Joshua has a solid working knowledge of WCED processes and relevant legislation, having spent more than 17 years in Western Cape public schools. Before her appointment to Principal at Lourier, she gained experience as a class teacher, Grade Head, and Head of Department.
Ms. Joshua is a passionate educator and leader who seeks continual improvement not only in her own skills but those of her team as well. As a beneficiary of the Principals Academy Trust, she is bolstered by the mentoring she receives from veteran principals and leadership experts. In turn, she applies mentorship, coaching, and staff development within her own teams. Ms Joshua has actively pursued opportunities to develop her leadership potential including through the Partners for Possibility (PfP) programme where she has been the business partner of Mary-Anne Musekiwa, Chief Financial Officer of Coronation. In Ms Musekiwa’s words,
“Candice is someone who cares deeply about her community, her teachers and every part of the ecosystem of the school – most importantly, the nurturing of young minds. In this new role, she is going to put her heart, soul and best foot forward”.
We are thrilled to have Ms Joshua join The Grove and bring her energy and enthusiasm to the position. The Grove prides itself on being a dynamic, inclusive and nurturing environment and we believe this resonates with her. She brings with her the collaborative energy to craft The Grove’s strategic vision and the requisite empathy of a motivated and caring leader.
Having Ms Joshua as Principal, alongside Mr Louis as Deputy Head and Ms Unwin as Executive Head, provides The Grove with a tremendous leadership advantage. We are excited for The Grove’s future and our continued path in being an innovative forward-thinking school that provides our learners with the best foundation for learning so that they may fulfil their greatest potential.
A word of thanks
The past months have been an exceptionally challenging period for our staff, with a leadership transition adding to a demanding, COVID-impacted work environment. We are fortunate to have a capable Senior Management Team (SMT) who stepped up to provide continuity and stewardship. We also thank them in advance for the important role they will play as Ms. Joshua is introduced to the team.
The vacancy in the principal’s office required Mr. Louis to transition from Deputy Principal to Acting Principal - a role with many demands, competing priorities, and complexities. We are truly grateful for his willingness to take on this challenge, and for performing it with such dedication. Thank you, Mr. Louis. You will no doubt be a great support for Ms. Joshua as she finds her feet at The Grove.
I want to thank you - the Grove community - for your patience over the past 15 months. In order to safeguard the integrity of the recruitment process, a strict moratorium on information sharing is imposed by the WCED. The interview committee meticulously adhered to these prescribed regulations, but we know the dearth of information caused frustration and anxiety for you. Thank you for bearing with us.
And finally - thank you to the members of the principal selection committee who were guided through the process by our WCED Circuit Manager Donovan Cleophas: Belinda Petersen (Principal, Rustenberg Girls Junior School), Helen Unwin (Executive Head, Grove, co-opted SGB member), Naseema Parker (Finance Head, Grove, SGB member), Gareth Muller (Educator, Grove), Dylan Wray (former SGB Chairperson, Grove parent), Feroz Koor (former SGB member, Grove parent) and current SGB parent members Frank Daubenton, Sue Jack, and Liane Posthumus - for expertise and time you gave so freely.
I look forward to getting to know Ms Candice Joshua better, and we know The Grove community will welcome her warmly.
Kind regards,
Anna Grimsrud
Grove SGB chairperson & Grove principal selection committee chair
3 August 2022
Edition: 25
Authors: H Unwin
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Women's Day
Dear Grove families
“A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else.” – Unknown
August is Women’s month and on 9 August we celebrate Women's Day with the rest of the world. It is a day to celebrate the importance and significance of women in every person’s life.
True strength comes from within. Strong people know what they want and will not settle for less. Their strength is shown in their confidence and realising their true value, staying true to oneself and not letting the opinion of others move them. Strong people build greatness for the long term and are adept and patient at untangling complex problems, multi-tasking and seeing the possibilities in new solutions.
There are many phenomenal women in South Africa doing extraordinary work for other women, for example, Wendy Luhabe is a Social Entrepreneur and Author. She has spent much of her career working on ways to empower previously disadvantaged people, especially women, to prepare for the business environment as well as the steps to take in order to list their company on the JSE.
Gill Marcus is the ninth Governor of the Reserve Bank and the first woman appointed for this position.
Although it is Women’s month and Women’s Day that we celebrate, let us hope that we can encourage all our children to grow as strong people. Who better to learn from than our own Moms who set the example every day. Take note of what your Mom or the female figure in your life accomplishes daily: nurtures, feeds, washes, cleans, solves problems, fixes, listens, drives, organises and loves you wholeheartedly.
Celebrate these people with love and happiness!
Helen Unwin
Executive Head
27 July 2022
Edition: 24
Authors: L Posthumus & G Shillington
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Dear Grove families
The Grove Parent Portal has launched!
Knowledge is Power. But information is a different beast…
Too little information is disempowering, too much information can be overwhelming. A happy medium is being able to find the information you need, when you need it.
Our new Parent Portal is the school’s online location where the Grove Community can find school-related information via their smartphones, tablet or computer. In keeping with our Google School, it is a Google site and can be accessed at
What will I find?
The Home Page contains the information traditionally distributed via Grove Talk. It will be updated every Wednesday. The Home Page contains headlines only - click on the links to go to the relevant Portal Page.
Each Portal Page is devoted to a specific topic. Categorising the information makes it easy for you to find what you need when you need it. Click on the menu to view the available pages.
Is it finished?
No, It is a work in progress - pages are being added continually. Check in frequently to see what’s new. We welcome your input on what works and what else you would like to see. Use the Feedback button on the Home Page to send us your thoughts.
Why does Cogz look different?
Cogz the Chameleon is our Thinking School’s mascot and he mirrors what’s happening at The Grove, in his appearance. Mr Louis did the honours of drawing our very first Cogz Doodle, dressed warmly for the cold July days. Great job, Mr Louis!
What will Cogz be wearing next? Grovites can submit their drawings via the Portal.
What now?
We invite you to start using the Portal. With your feedback we’ll build a comprehensive repository of information for you to have at your fingertips.
Who was involved?
A BIG Thank You goes to the staff who have been so very positive and supportive, and to the Class Links who did the test-driving last week.
What is currently on the Parent Portal?
Home Page:
Cogz Doodle - every week our Thinking School mascot will look a little different
The weekly Grove Talk newsletter
Important dates, news and reminders usually distributed via Grove Talk
Feedback button - tell us what you think
Grove Ads
Sport and Culture
Sport Fixtures and Team information (see Hockey - rest to follow)
Culture (see Music - rest to follow)
School terms, times and gate information
What is coming next?
All sport codes: practice times, fixtures, teams and coach information
Grove Community Initiatives (clubs and committees)
How is it different from the school’s website?
The website is our school’s marketing tool: It tells prospective Grovites who we are and what we offer. The Parent Portal is a resource for Grove families.Do I need to log in?
No. The Parent Portal is freely accessible. However, it will not show up on a Google Search, so you have to know the URL to access viz - we suggest you bookmark it.I can’t find the information I hoped for?
Very possible! The Parent Portal is a work in progress. Let us know what you’re missing and we’ll do our best to add it. Click on the button above Grove Ads on the Home Page, to send us feedback.What about D6?
D6 will continue to be used for instant notifications and we encourage those parents not registered yet, to do so.
Yours in communication
Liane Posthumus and Graham Shillington
20 July 2022
Edition: 23
Author: Abe Louis
The 2023 Budget compilation has begun. Should you have suggestions, please email our Treasurer, Suhail Suleman at
Dear Grove families
Welcome to Term 3
Welcome to Term 3 of 2022. We are halfway through the year and at a busy school like ours it is always fullsteam ahead towards the end of 2022.
We had quite a long period to refresh our batteries and recuperate. Our focus now needs to shift to the demands of the term ahead. Our hope is that holiday time spent with family and friends did its job to reconnect to one another and to refill our emotional stores.
Grovites need to get back into that school day routine as soon as possible. We need parents to assist us in making sure that children are prepared and ready to start the day, having all that they need. We start all sport practices from today and fixtures start as of Wednesday next week. All co curricular activities also commence as of next week.
Our community notes with great sadness the passing of immediate family members of staff during the holidays and expresses our deepest sympathies to all families who have lost loved ones during this time.
Even though the school has been closed for the holiday some Grovites have been attending sport clinics and representing provincial sides in national competitions. We are very proud of you all.
Communication is key to any school and as such we are now imploring parents to download the D6. Connect App onto your devices so that you can remain informed and connected. We have also been working on a parent portal to assist with finding information relevant to your child in an easier way. You will get more specific information in next week's Grove Talk, so watch this space.
We welcome all new Grovites and their families to the school and our hope is that your stay will be a happy one. Please do not hesitate to ask questions as we are here to assist you.
Have a lovely term.
Abe Louis
Acting Principal