Casual Clothing
These rules are for days when casual clothes are worn (“civvies days”). These rules also apply to outings where uniforms are not required, and camps.
No offensive or distasteful slogans, graphics or images may be displayed.
Sensible shoes must be worn at all times. No high heeled shoes.
Hair may be loose, but must be out of the face when working.
Normal school rules regarding jewellery are in effect.
No make-up to be worn.
No undergarments to be visible.
No inappropriately revealing clothing (for example, no visible cleavage, off the shoulder styles, spaghetti strap tops, crop tops).
Casual clothing should be appropriate for primary school. Where necessary, clarification of the policy will be addressed by a designated committee of teachers. On casual clothing days, learners are expected to bring the appropriate uniform for school PE and sport.