Voluntary Building & Development Fund (VBDF)
The school’s VBDF was conceived as a way for families to contribute to the school for building and capital projects in a tax efficient manner. In recent years, alongside money raised through fundraising, the VBDF proceeds have been used to upgrade the Grade 1 playground and revamp the Grade 4/5 bathrooms and pool changing rooms. The second astroturf was installed on the tennis court closest to the Grade R building and new playground and fitness equipment on the field have also been funded by the VBDF. With the drastic reduction in fundraising opportunities during COVID-19, the VBDF has helped fill a gap and allow beneficial projects to continue.
Contributions to this fund are voluntary. The guideline amount for those wishing to contribute is R1,500 per family. This can either be paid as a lump sum or added to your debit order if you are on the debit order fee payment option. Should you wish to contribute please fill out the attached form and indicate your preferred method of payment. As with the bursary fund, a S18A certificate will be provided for tax purposes.