IT Committee

This committee, led by our IT Manager and Executive Head, draws on the expertise of Grove parents in the information technology sector. It is a forum where solutions to  IT challenges can be discussed, and where new projects can be considered.

Meeting Schedule: The  IT Committee meets once a term

Contact Person: Mary Hacking

Activities: Troubleshooting, research, hosting of information sessions 

Interested? If you have specialist skills in the IT field, you are welcome to join this committee. Please send an email to Mary, for more information.

Are You in the Game?

The third talk in The Grove IT Committee's informative series on Navigating the Online Universe with our children, will be presented on Wednesday 17 August 2022 in the Grove School Hall.

The session follows the normal Presentation and Panel Discussion format and this time it focuses on Gaming. We unpack the jargon, separate the myth from the facts, and provide you with a toolkit to help you on your journey.

If you are concerned about the safety of your children while they are gaming online or that gaming will lead to attention problems or reduce your child's ability to interact socially, then this talk is for you.

The talk takes place from 18h00 to 19h00 & will be presented by Rob Rademeyer.

Previous sessions in the series: